At this year’s conference

we are creating a unique nexus where decisionmakers of prominent Libyan enterprises converge with cybersecurity professionals and solution providers. This platform serves as the crucible for addressing and planning the cybersecurity needs of Libya’s industry giants and fostering potential collaborations.

But that’s not all. In addition to the enriching conference sessions, we’re excited to announce an innovative and interactive component: an exhibition. This exhibition will allow companies and solution providers to showcase their cutting-edge services and products, providing a hands-on experience for attendees to explore the latest in cybersecurity technology.

Join us on this remarkable journey, as we not only discuss the latest in cybersecurity but also shed light on Libya’s bright future as a technological hub. Libya’s opportunities are vast, and the Libya Tech Forum stands as a beacon of inspiration and collaboration for those eager to be part of this extraordinary journey.

Building the Next Generation
of Industrial Cyber Defenders

Libya, a nation with boundless potential and burgeoning opportunities, is poised to make its mark on the global technological landscape. The Libya Tech Forum 2024 – Cyber Security is not merely a conference; it is a testament to Libya’s promise in the realm of technology. It’s a celebration of opportunities that await, and a call to action for those eager to explore the nation’s digital frontiers.

At Libya Tech Forum 2024, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, designed to mitigate risks and ensure the integrity of your digital infrastructure. Considering the vulnerable nature of the energy sector, the industry must prioritize cybersecurity measures. By recognizing these cybersecurity challenges and implementing appropriate solutions, the industry can mitigate risks, protect critical assets and infrastructure, and ensure the reliable and secure delivery of energy services.

A Message From Organizers

We are excited to extend our warmest greetings and introduce you to a remarkable opportunity the Libya Tech Forum 2024 – Cyber Security.

As the organizers of this prestigious event, we are deeply committed to advancing the technological landscape of Libya and addressing the pressing concerns of our digital age. With great anticipation, we announce that this year’s forum will revolve around the critical theme of Cyber Security, a topic of paramount importance in today’s interconnected world.

This year’s conference promises to be a transformative experience, where we delve into the heart of Libya’s technological aspirations while addressing the pressing issue of Cyber Security.

We are at your service whether you’re an experienced cybersecurity professional, a tech enthusiast, or a business looking to tap into Libya’s promising landscape, the Libya Tech Forum 2024 – Cyber Security is tailored to your needs.

Event Details
Event Details